The risk of influenza type A in the metro is more than other public places

An infectious disease specialist said: crowded places such as subways, buses and schools and universities are most prone areas for the dissemination of influenza virus type A. Overpopulation and reduce the distance of less than one meter are the main reason for the accelerating the spread of this disease. Ali Majid Pour in an interview with "Health News" website said that in coming months the possibility of spreading the influenza type A virus in the country is more than other months of the year, and added: "The reopening of schools, universities and atmospheric changes are major factors in increasing the number of this disease cases ". He added: "Although, the Chinese professionals claim they discover the Type A flu's vaccine, but as long as, this vaccine doesn't enter to global markets, cannot have a correct assessment about its positive impact". This infectious disease specialist, said: "respect for the individual and social health issues is the main component in preventing the spread of influenza virus; families should be aware that symptoms of seasonal flu are similar to the symptoms of influenza type A, and on this basis, parents should not neglect of attendance to their children's health". In continue, Majid pour said: "Children with symptoms of type A flu should rest at home for a week because their presence alongside other students will intensify the possibility of flu's pandemic". This member of Medical Sciences faculty at the end of his speech stressed that: "those schools that cannot require the infected students with influenza virus type A to health care should be closed".


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